NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear!

NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear!

A huge bear attacks after being shot by a hunter.
RT @austinlu24: Girlfriend hunting #textit ;)

@karoltranx3 OMGSH it looks good :) Haha :( Ngaw .... keep hunting !

I need to lock my pics on my phone in case sumbdy unlock my phone and go hunting in dat bitch

Napa jo ee cwe' pmba hunting cwo gaga Cc: @PutryLasabuda

@maxqtime @TGG_OG Chris Rock talks about urban American gun violence, so hunting isn't a thought for him "There'd be no innocent bystanders"

RT @Jamie_DL: @gerryburns9. You sack of wine !! Take a couple a ffttt ffttt , how's the hunting going ??

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