Great Expectations: Starring John Mills, Valerie Hobson and Tony Wager (1946 Movie)

Great Expectations: Starring John Mills, Valerie Hobson and Tony Wager (1946 Movie)

DVD: Great Expectations is a 1946 British film which won two Academy Awards and was nominated for three others (best picture, best director and best screenplay). It was directed by David Lean, based on the novel by Charles Dickens and stars John Mills, Valerie Hobson, Finlay Currie, Martita Hunt and Alec Guinness. Jean Simmons, who played the role of the young Estella in the film, later played Miss Havisham in a 1989 version directed by Kevin Connor. The script, a slimmed-down version of Dickens's novel which had been inspired after seeing an abridged stage version of the novel, in which Alec Guinness (responsible for the adaptation) played Herbert Pocket and Martita Hunt was Miss Havisham -- casting that was carried over into the film - was written by Anthony Havelock-Allan, David Lean, Cecil McGivern, Ronald Neame and Kay Walsh. The film was produced by Ronald Neame and photographed by Guy Green. It was the first of two films Lean directed based on Dickens' novels, the other being his 1948 adaptation of Oliver Twist. Cast * John Mills as Pip as an adult * Jean Simmons as Estella as a girl * Valerie Hobson as Estella as an adult * Martita Hunt as Miss Havisham * Finlay Currie as Abel Magwitch * Francis L. Sullivan as Mr. Jaggers * Bernard Miles as Joe Gargery * Alec Guinness as Herbert Pocket as an adult * Anthony Wager as Pip as a boy * John Forrest as Herbert Pocket as a boy * Freda Jackson as Mrs. Joe Gargery * Ivor Barnard ...


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