Requiem For A Day Off

Requiem For A Day Off

*UPDATE* When I first posted this, I was going to write why it is the length it is, but figured it did not matter. now, after so many people feel the need to let me know how they feel about the 4 mins+ trailer, I have decided to share the reasons why it is the way it is. Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem accepting criticism, I welcome it, but since I have a reason for this particular one, I figured I would post it. To quote Dr. Frankenfurter in RHPS when first showing off Rocky and met with Janet stating he was not her type of guy:"I didn't make him for you!". The trailer was not edited down to 2 or 3 minutes, because it was the perfect length for my target audience: me. Also, while making this I found a Lord of the Rings trailer that was 3 1/2 mins long. Why so long? Because its a grand epic. Therefore, one can assume that the movie that this trailer represents is 20% grander of an epic than Return of the King. ; ) So now to you I say: "Welcome to the Trailer for the epic film "Requiem For A Day Off". Now 20% Grander than Lord of the Rings!"* (*pre-cooked weight) music is "lux aeterna", full orchestral remix by clint mansell from the film "requiem for a dream".

Save Ferrisは映画「フェリスはある朝突然に(邦題)」の劇中で出てくる主人公のフェリスが仮病で学校を休んだら、深刻な病と勘違いされ「フェリスを助けよう!(Save Ferris)」運動が勝手に始まってしまった、という所にバンドの名前の由来がある。

フェリスはある朝突然に無職 #タイトルの一部を無職に変えると悲愴感

@parisstarlove 私は車の中で奥さんに話してるシーンでわかりましたよっv(^_^v)♪彼のある一言にヒントがありました。サラ旦那、確かにちょっと似てる(笑)私の中では「フェリスはある朝突然に」の人です(#^.^#)んで、私もアシュトン派です。ザックは短髪がヤダ〜!

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