Buster the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and his Tricks!
Buster the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and his Tricks!

Buster McFatty Bear the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Performing most of his tricks. Watch, Sit, Down, Stay, Paw (Other Paw), Heel, Wait, On Your Bed, Stand, Circle into Heel, Go get item and bring it back, Take a Bow, Sad Puppy, Wave Bye Bye, High 5 / 10, Back Up, Spin Left / Right, Around, Commando, Sit Pretty, Bang, Roll Over, Dance, Take it, A-choo, Ring the Bell, Dance through legs (walking), Touch (Plate), Place, Close the Door, Jump through the Hoop, Crate, Speak, Pancake, Boogie. He was 14 months old at the time of this video.
@vet_peahead @BDA_Arch Pembrokeshire Welsh Corgi? Am I the same as the queen over 10 questions?
Yg jual anjing pembroke welsh corgi rt yap.kondisi klo bisa anakan..
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