Music using ONLY sounds from Windows XP and 98!

Music using ONLY sounds from Windows XP and 98!

EDIT 5: StepMania simfile available for extended version, thanks to Ashpotter! Download links: EDIT 4: Make sure you get this version of ModPlug Tracker: That will install itself as a program, which you can start running from the Start menu, as you would with most other programs. ;) A guide for getting started with ModPlug Tracker can be found here (I didn't make it) : EDIT 3: Just to try to avoid me having to reply to every other comment which says that it must have taken me ages to make, or that I must've been bored: This was just a way for me to pass a few hours of boredom. Yes, I WAS bored. No, I'm not trying to "prove" anything - that this is what I'm "capable of". I just thought I'd upload my music as a video here, to YouTube. I'm not the one who spread it around to Digg or random blogs, - I uploaded it here at YouTube some time back in December 2007 and it has only just "taken off", after all. EDIT 2: I'm making the IT file be available now too, don't really mind any more. I guess I'm too busy working on new things (not mod music) to worry about the 'old' ones. :P ごめん、翻訳はにくいけど、これからITファイルをダウンロードできるです。 638 KB, as ZIP EDIT 1: There's an extended version - please look at the end of this description text! 拡張版があります。このテキストの最後を見てください! A piece of music I made using some of the various sounds Windows XP and 98 come with ...
@eliesheva you got soragim!? on all the windows??

Thanks, windows, for restarting my computer in the middle of updating my phone. I appreciate it.cYIuA

Can't see out the coach windows ~.~ what am I to stare at now?

RT @top_moppen: Een telefoongesprek bij de klantenservice: Ik gebruik Windows. KS: Ja? Klant: Mijn computer werkt niet zo goed. KS: Ja, dat had u al gezegd!

"Компания Microsoft собирается продать 100 миллионов смартфонов с Windows Phone 7 за 2012 год", хахаха

I hope my Windows aint down . I ain't know it was raining. :-/

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