[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。

What We Started (A JRA Original)

What We Started (A JRA Original)

Dedicated to the one who has everything I want, but everything I don't want to remember. Rain on me I want to feel every drop on my skin Cause I've made a mess I just wanna feel clean again you said I needed to leave but what I needed was here after all all along I couldn't leave If i wanted look what we started we are meant to be we are meant to see this to the end Baby I'mma pick you up promise never let you down cause your presence around me baby makes me feel unstoppable See I've loved & lost but have never loved like this before It's like I'm the biggest fan of our love and I'm asking for an encore twitter.com facebook.com JRAquino.Tumblr.com
「世界が見上げた月。」 アドマイヤムーン #JRA


♪わたしゃも少し成長力がほしい~ 父ちゃんタキオン ●1点 #keiba #jra

大人になったら東京競馬場のJRA競馬博物館にいきたい、そして顕彰馬たちのブロンズ像を見たいって中の人言ってたわ。いまだに生きているルドルフ、テイオー、ディープ、ウォッカとかには生で会いに行く方が早いかもしれないけどね。あ、でもウォッカはアイルランドとかそっ #botさん

Things to look forward to after my blasted mt is done w/ tmr: #XFactor, #HIMYM catch-up, 3some bday partay, JRA + JV ♥___♥!!! #motivation

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