ファン待望の「EAT A CLASSIC」シリーズ第2弾、新レーベルPEACEFUL RECORDSより2009年12月16日発売! フジロック、ライジングサンなど大規模国内フェスに留まらず、フランス、タイ、台湾の海外フェスへの招待参加で見事に実力を発揮した『ハイブリッド・インストゥルメンタル』を味わってください。 →Pia-no-jaC← Official Site ⇒ pia-no-jac.net

Test Dutch Senz umbrella
testing in the storm the SENZ, a Dutch 'southwesterlike' stormproof umbrella designed by 3 young Dutch designers

9/11 Motive & Media Betrayal
See What Dan Rather would NOT READ on 9/11: ISRAEL, the MOTIVE, the WHY of the attacks -- Motive suppressed by the media! Omitting motive of anger at US support of Israel is Media Betrayal. Michael Scheuer (former CIA intelligence officer and CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief 1996-99) points out that our politicians are lying to us about why our lives are being put at risk with regard to the motivation of the terrorists attack the US Why they hate us ISN'T "hatred of our freedoms" but rather hatred of specific foreign policies of the US government which are, in fact, unjust, immoral and illegal. The top grievance is anger at the US government's policy of aiding and abetting Israeli crimes. tinyurl.com Tinyurl.com RepresentativePress.org The 1993 attack was led by Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's nephew, Ramzi Yousef. After his capture, the FBI questioned Ramzi Yousef on the flight back from Pakistan about his motivations for bombing the World Trade Center in 1993. "Yousef said he took no thrill from killing American citizens and felt guilty about the civilian deaths he had caused. But his conscience was overridden by his desire to stop the killing of Arabs by Israeli troops." "Yousef said he "would like it to be different," but only terrible violence could force this kind of abrupt political change. He said that he truly believed his actions had been rational and logical in pursuit of a change in US policy toward Israel. He mentioned NO OTHER motivation during the flight and NO OTHER ...

母校の大先輩は野上弥生子 臼杵市立臼杵小学校 子ども先哲・歴史講座
大分県立先哲史料館では県内の小中学校で「子ども先哲・歴史講座」を行っています。著名な文学者・野上弥生子さんの母校、臼杵小学校にて行われた「子ども先哲・歴史講座」では学校秘蔵の史料も登場。その模様をご覧ください。 (大分県立先哲史料館HP) sentetusiryokan-b.oita-ed.jp

ORANGE RANGE - Kizuna (with English subtitles)
This is a song about friendship. Some fans believe it was written for ex-drummer Katchan.

藤木直人 Fujiki Naohito - アンティーク 〜西洋骨董洋菓子店〜/Antique MV 1
This interesting J-drama marks its 10th anniversary this month. By coincidence, Nao will have a new J-drama『専業主婦探偵〜私はシャドウ』broadcasted this month too! 頑張ってね〜 ^__^ ********************** Song: Mr. Children - 君が好きLyrics: もしもまだ願いが一つ叶うとしたら... そんな空想を広げ一日中ぼんやり過せば月も濁る東京の夜だそしてひねり出した答えは君が好き僕が生きるうえでこれ以上の意味はなくたっていい夜の淵 アパートの脇くたびれた自販機で二つ 缶コーヒーを買って僕の手が君の涙拭えるとしたらそれは素敵だけど君もまた僕と似たような誰にも踏み込まれたくない領域を隠し持っているんだろう 君が好きこの響きに 潜んでいる温い惰性の匂いがしても繰り返し 繰り返し煮え切らないメロディに添って 思いを焦がして歩道橋の上には 見慣れてしまった濁った月が浮かんでいて汚れていってしまう 僕らにそっとあぁ 空しく何かを訴えている君が好き僕が生きるうえでこれ以上の意味はなくたっていい夜の淵 君を待ち行き場のない 想いがまた夜空に浮かんで君が好き 君が好き煮え切らないメロディに添って 思いを焦がして