Fujifilm Finepix HS10 Review
For the full review, go to www.infosyncworld.com Fujifilm was reaching for the sky with the Finepix HS10, and we were actually able to reach the moon with its 30x optical zoom. 30x is the current pinnacle of the zoom totem pole, and we also get a 24mm wide-angle lens to give the Fujifilm Finepix HS10 a more versatile focal length. Let's also add in a plethora of external controls coupled with a full manual adjustment suite, oodles of Scene modes, 1080p HD video, Casio-emulated slow motion video, and our heads start to spin. Fujifilm jammed in a 1/2.3-inch BSI CMOS sensor—that stands for Back Side Illuminated. We've heard of back illuminated sensors, but we're not entirely sure what Fujifilm is doing with its backside. At the end of our journey with this monstrosity, we were impressed in certain departments, but had reservations in others.
【超新星】 スノーボード CKグラトリ團 Snowboard Ground Trick Team (JPN) 2011.02.16
2011.02.16 (WED) 新潟県妙高杉の原スキー場カメラ手ぶれヒドイな。。 5年前くらいのデジカメで撮影したので... 画質とか...ゴメンナサイ; 突如結成しました。 『CKグラトリ團』 石川県出身のグラトリチームです。 たぶん最初で最後です。w 今年も『神』トリック降臨^^ ※パパとママは熟年離婚していないのでご心配なく。 CKって何?(ぇ? ■使用曲■ アーティスト名 : 今宵、ハジシラズ。 (インディーズバトル北陸2011出場決定) 1.熟年離婚2.安田●さこ3.女子高生4.インテル・ハイッテル5.横浜ベイ☆ズインディーズバトル北陸2011 www.ishikawa-tv.com