Simple Plan~ Perfect [[*Official Video*]] best ever!!!!

Simple Plan~ Perfect [[*Official Video*]] best ever!!!!

i love this song and if anybody wants any request just let me know....i do not own this video....
RT @Marygallanes: Chicooooos! 2 boletos para Simple Plan malana en Six Flags en $600 mega baratooos!!!!! urge venderlooos!!!!

Was reunited with Simple Plan tonight ... I used to be in loveeee with the lead singer. New playlist is in effect... now.

plan ol simple lls

I doubt @ThatGuy_Frankie will like this but I really like the band Simple Plan

Es un horror no ire a ver a Simple Plan D:

:: <------- Just too much for people to handle. I know what I want, & if I want it I plan to get it. That simple. ::

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