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Official FIFA World Cup 2010 theme song

Official FIFA World Cup 2010 theme song

Wavin' Flag by K'naan to be FIFA World Cup 2010 theme song. Somalian-born, Canadian-based hip-hop artist K'Naan has spoken about the "unity and celebration" that will connect with his song "Wavin' Flag," after it was chosen as the official anthem of Coca-Cola's 2010 FIFA World Cup program. K'Naan has specially recorded a version of the song for the tournament, hosted by South Africa. The remix of "Wavin' Flag" is part of Coca-Cola's global integrated marketing campaign "inspired by the joyous dance celebrations familiar to Africa." The track will be used as the music element throughout the entire campaign, including as the soundtrack for all television commercials, during the trophy tour. Official video South Africa 2010. K'naan & David Bisbal - Wavin' Flag

RT @ultranoisynova: (・・) ←Aカップ ( ・・ )←Bカップ (・)(・) ←Cカップ ( ・ )( ・ )←D カップ (・Y・)←Eカップ (・人・)←Fカップ ( ∵ )←前田敦子

僕と一夜城、する?“@miwakeicht: Aカップ28歳ですw RT @toyotomi_gunshi ダレデスカ?“: |ω・*)チラッ RT @toyotomi_gunshi 前に言わなかったかな?僕は貧乳の歳上好みって。“: 貧乳派…とφ(●_。) RT @toyoto

@to_ru16311102 ブラジャーが欲しい、と打ちたかった。Aカップ純白限定で。

どーせ私はAカップもありませんよーだ "貧乳"でもない"無乳"ですよーだ

AカップのAV女優・・・・大抵みんな胸が大きいからビックリするけど、これはこれでアリだねw 絵色千佳

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