Etude No.3 (F. Chopin) by Alice Masono
Alice Masono sings Etude No.3 for farewell to someone special. 真園ありすが大切な人への別れの想いをこめて謳うピアノ:清水玲子、ベース:吉村由紀夫
lol.3gp from Brazil
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Hourglass of Summer OST 04 - Female Psychology
Game; Hourglass of Summer (aka. Natsuiro No Sunadokei) Track; 04 Song; Female Psychology (Tomomi's Theme) I couldnt find the soundtrack for this game anywhere! D: So I put it up myself! Enjoy, this great game has a good soundtrack! X3
映画『半次郎』予告編 2010年10月9日(土)全国公開俳優の榎木孝明が企画を立ち上げ、明治維新の時代に活躍した薩摩武士・桐野利秋(中村半次郎)の生涯を描いた時代劇。『地雷を踏んだらサヨウナラ』の五十嵐匠が、西南戦争で非業の死を遂げるまでの桐野利秋(中村半次郎)を描く。主人公の半次郎を演じるのは、13年かけて企画を実現させた榎木孝明。EXILEのAKIRAが、親友の永山弥一郎役で時代劇に初挑戦する。現代の世の中に大切な何かを問いかける半次郎の生きざまを堪能したい。 配給:ピーズ・インターナショナルオフィシャルサイト (c)2010「半次郎」製作委員会
ToW: SL *Megaspoiler* The betrayer...
Elmira doesn't agree with our heroes motives. And reveals a connection to the vampire, Lysis... This will only happen if Elmira leaves your party. So for my first playthrough, I decided to let her leave. But on my 2nd playthrough, I will keep Elmira Rogue, good. Xex has other plans now... ...Also note: This is NOT the ending. Xex changes the arena, and we have to have one last fight. Note #2: I skipped the map phases. But in the game, you don't fight Elmira's team and then Xex's soon after... xD; About Enemy Party's: Elmira's party is formed by: Elmira, Nigg, and Cerberus. They are all character rivals. You see, Nigg is a pure evil dragon who plans to destroy the world, and Xex soon after... T_T he is the only pure evil villain in the game. And Cerberus is Nigg's subordinate, he used to be Heln's brother... But turned evil because of Nigg's magic. Both are Dark Elementals. While Elmira is Water. Xex's party constist of: Xex and 2 Archdemons. It is recommended that you kill the Archdemons first, because they can resurrect Xex if you don't. I was lucky however and Fulein performed a critical hit that whiped them all out... But it wasn't like that on the final battle. So yeah, stay alert...