N64 F-Zero X - Mute City

N64 F-Zero X - Mute City

One great addiction to the Wii Virtual Console. F-Zero X is considered by many to be the best of the series. Too bad the Wii VC versiosn has no feedback, I really miss the rumble feature from my N64. But still as great a game as it ever was.
@LewieP a lot of people will argue F-Zero X was better. I tell them to shut up and smear vaseline on their TVs.

F-Zero X também tem Raimbow road x) RT @carol_xd: DKÇLSDKSÇLDKÇLDSLK mario kart não tem pra bater gente, eles têm a rainbow road *-*

Playing F-Zero X

松井玲奈の大好きなゲームがF-ZERO Xと知ってすごい好感度上がった。清純な顔してあの激しいBGMを聴いてると思うと…。好きなマシンは何なのか知りたいな。

@egoraptor Have you ever played F-Zero X? I demand an Awesome-Zero that pokes fun at getting gold stars for murdering other racers.

Abriu uma galeria aqui perto.. encontrei F-zero X e um controle Azul p N64 .. 60$...*-*!!!!

F-ZERO X の最新情報!

F-ZERO X 最新動画

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